#unomasPD | #onemoreyearEF

One more year!

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Have you had an issue with completing the donation on Pay Pal?

If you have had any problems you can contact us at [email protected] or +34 623 033 241 (WhatsApp) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also donate by making a bank transfer to ES85 2100 0853 5302 0027 8394 (CaixaBank, Spain). Subject: “Donation Evangelical Focus”.


Do you have questions? Over the years we have tried several things to try to ensure the sustainability of this project and the people behind it. Here we answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions. If you don’t find your answer, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Advertising and sponsorships are one of the active sources of income in our projects. In 2021 we carried out an extensive improvement of the banner system. However, experience has shown us that this income is not enough to cover the costs. In fact, advertising accounts for approximately 20% of the annual budget.

Moreover, we apply a careful advertising policy: we never advertise content that could go against our Christian principles and values.

At Protestante Digital and Evangelical Focus we strive to ensure that advertisements are not uncomfortable or invasive, giving priority to readers being able to receive the message in a clean and coherent way.

Most of the media in Spain and the world are putting up “pay walls” which require the reader to pay to access their content.

We are a professional media with a mission vocation and we want anyone to be able to access our content freely. You can’t put the lamp under the bed to light the room: we want all our content to be accessible and shareable without hindrance.

Changes that involve a subscription system are not compatible with our current website system. Also, if you would be willing to support Protestant Digital or Evangelical Focus by paying a subscription, why not become a Patron and make a monthly donation?

It depends on the country of origin. If you have doubts, you can contact our office ( [email protected] or [email protected]) and together we can look for the best option.

Information for donnors in Spain only. Donations made through Pay Pal or Bank Transfer can be deducted in the Income Tax Return. 

  • The first 150€ donated have a deduction of 80% in the total amount of the IRPF.
  • What exceeds 150€ has a deduction of 35%.
  • Periodic contributions. A deduction of 40% (instead of 35%) may be applied provided that donations of the same or greater amount have been made to the same entity in the two immediately preceding tax periods.
  • The deduction has a limit of 15% of the net taxable income.

If you are a company, an entity, a Bible school… you surely will find people interested in your work in our media!

If you want to advertise your projects on Protestante Digital, Evangelical Focus, and Evangélico Digital, we have very good options for you. Just email Carla Suárez, who speaks English ([email protected]). She will let you know about our advertising services.

Do you still have doubts?

If you have any questions you can write to [email protected] or +34 623 033 241 (WhatsApp) and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest!

¿Eres una organización o iglesia?

Iglesias, fundaciones y organizaciones también pueden apoyar la misión de Protestante Digital.

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